Over the past 5 weeks, a number of Greenwich schools have participated in a netball league at Plumcroft Primary School
The league was designed to help children develop their netball skills, rules and tactics by competing against several other Greenwich schools.
The competition was very exciting and enjoyed by all in attendance, with a special thanks to Toni for umpiring and coordinating the league and to Zoe for officiating matches.
What those in attendance had to say….
“It’s been great for our school to get lots of netball matches and opportunities to play weekly”
-Teaching Assistant
" I love playing netball now and I think I’ve got much better"
-Year 6 Pupil
“A great way to introduce competitive games to our children and the umpiring has been fantastic”
-PE Lead
This particular competition focused on school games values Determination
School value winners for Determination:
Conway Primary School
Each competition recognises respect through a Respect the Games Award. This was shown in abundance by all schools at the event!
Respect the Games award winners:
Invicta Primary School
To Discovery Primary School who will be representing Greenwich at the London Youth Games.
a final thanks...
To PE Leads / supervising staff and all children for their enthusiasm and a huge thank you to Plumcroft Primary School for hosting!